Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to Dislike Something on Facebook

Since I'm writing on Facebook, I had to touch on this topic. There is no dislike button, and there probably never will be because of recent events.

People have been hooked by a scam that appears to offer a real Dislike button. This article from PCMag shows all the details. If you see the message to enable the Dislike button, it means one of your ill-informed friends clicked it.

Upon clicking, any number of things could happen. It all depends what the scammer's intent with it is. It's probably not to toy with you, but more likely to infest you with so much spyware you have to call someone like me to fix it. Some of us are gentle with our pricing, but it doesn't have to happen.

Little things like this will happen from time to time on the internet. Any time something suspicious comes your way, your first step should be to open Google and search for it. The search engine picks up new news articles quickly, and information about Facebook spreads quickly throughout the media.

Approach everything with caution on the net. Unless you know what something is, you should be wary. Do your homework and watch what you click.

My solution to the dislike button dilemma is simple. If you don't like something, don't like it. There's no need to be rude outright. If you want to do that, go full monty and private message them whatever nasty thoughts are in your brain. Post a comment that shows your disfavor. If you want to express it, maybe it could come packaged with 'why'.

Not only that but people's petty flames are sometimes the most entertaining thing I see on Facebook.

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