Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How to Add Special Symbols to Your Wall Posts

People wonder how other folks are using special symbols in their posts. It's actually very simple and works on any number of platforms. Some of these depend on the site involved. They may not allow you to post that symbol. But, all of these work for me on Facebook.

First, make sure your Num Lock is on. You've got to use the numpad on the right side of your keyboard. Press Alt, type the number, then release.:

Alt + 1 = ☻A smiley
Alt + 2 = ☺ another smiley
Alt +3 = ♥ Hearts
Alt + 4 = ♦ Diamonds
Alt + 5 = ♣ Clubs
Alt + 6 = ♠ Spades
Alt + 7, 8, 9, and 10 =  • ◘ ○ ◙
Alt + 11 = ♂ Male Symbol
Alt + 12 = ♀ Female Symbol
Alt + 13 = ♪ Music Note 1
Alt + 14 = ♫ Music Note 2
Alt + 15 = ☼ Star?
Alt + 16 = ► Forward
Alt  + 17 = ◄ Back?
Alt + 18 = ↕ up/down
Alt + 19 = ‼ no idea
Alt + 20 = ¶ carriage return
Alt + 21 = § paragraph symbol.

As you can see, the list could go on a very long time! This will answer most common questions. You can do other things, like add Greek letters like Alpha, Omega, Delta. Look to this site for a list of all the alt codes:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Blocked: How Many Friends Can You Add Per Day

A lot of friend list builders are frustrated by a spam limit in Facebook. People are occasionally blocked from adding new friends for a time. That is, sending friend requests. For most people, who get a few friends a day, they have nothing to worry about. There are a few things to do to protect yourself from being slapped.

It's reasonable to assume that Facebook did this, in part, to prevent people spamming their friend list for the sole purpose of spamming. This is a viable marketing tactic for some people. One thing you can do to prevent being blocked is avoid using the same message when you're sending a friend request.

There is a warning before you get blocked for a few days, to a few weeks. At that point, you should stop adding friends for a few days. The counter will reset, and you can go about adding people to your list as normal. Just don't do it too many times. No one can say for sure how many it takes to get you blocked. I have seen reports of people adding well over a dozen without any trouble. Who could say if they did the same thing the next day.

If you add twenty friends one day, don't do the same thing the next day. Space out your invites and you can maximize your friend building without hitting the wall. You will probably learn to feel it out as you experience the warnings.

But, I'll reiterate. You don't need to restrict yourself to just two or three friends added per day, but can go a bit higher without worry. Just don't overdo it and Facebook won't think you're a spammer.

How to Dislike Something on Facebook

Since I'm writing on Facebook, I had to touch on this topic. There is no dislike button, and there probably never will be because of recent events.

People have been hooked by a scam that appears to offer a real Dislike button. This article from PCMag shows all the details. If you see the message to enable the Dislike button, it means one of your ill-informed friends clicked it.

Upon clicking, any number of things could happen. It all depends what the scammer's intent with it is. It's probably not to toy with you, but more likely to infest you with so much spyware you have to call someone like me to fix it. Some of us are gentle with our pricing, but it doesn't have to happen.

Little things like this will happen from time to time on the internet. Any time something suspicious comes your way, your first step should be to open Google and search for it. The search engine picks up new news articles quickly, and information about Facebook spreads quickly throughout the media.

Approach everything with caution on the net. Unless you know what something is, you should be wary. Do your homework and watch what you click.

My solution to the dislike button dilemma is simple. If you don't like something, don't like it. There's no need to be rude outright. If you want to do that, go full monty and private message them whatever nasty thoughts are in your brain. Post a comment that shows your disfavor. If you want to express it, maybe it could come packaged with 'why'.

Not only that but people's petty flames are sometimes the most entertaining thing I see on Facebook.

How to Hide Friends on Facebook

You may have any number of reasons to want to hide one or many friends from anyone who can see your profile. While I think it's logical to not friend someone you want to hide it from, maybe you want to keep the list out of anyone's eyes. Facebook gives you some powerful control of your friends list and its visibility settings. Here's how:

Hiding Friends
1. Go to Account in the top right, and select Privacy Settings.
2. Click View Settings next to Connecting on Facebook.
3. Next to View Your Friends List, change the setting

You can select Everyone, Friends of Friends, Friends Only, or go to Customize to type in a person's name and block them specifically from seeing your friends list. From the customize menu, you can set it so that only you can see your list as well. For your closest friends, you can change the setting to "Only These People".

As you can see, you're in total control over the friends list visibility settings, and it's a cinch thanks to Facebook's easy interface.

How to Block Facebook Apps

This is a common question of Facebook users. We have all seen annoying apps used by other people, putting stupid information on our walls. In order to see the answers, you have to allow it access to your account. If you're a seasoned user, then you know this is just the thing of the minute, before the next stupid thing comes along. Sometimes people even resurrect some app you thought you'd never see again. Dealing with them is simple.

Blocking Apps Step By Step:
1. Spot the offending app on your wall
2. Click the name of the app next to the like button
3. When taken to said application's page, click Block App on the left side of your screen.

How to Unblock an App:
1. Click Account at the top right of the page.
2. In the drop-down menu, click Privacy Settings
3. At the bottom of the screen, click Edit your Lists under 'Block Lists'.
4. Look to the bottom of the page for apps you have blocked for an unblock button.

As you can see, the method to block/unblock Facebook apps is pretty easy. This How-To should be helpful to you to keep people's stupid horoscopes, quizzes, and games from spamming your wall. Don't hesitate to block as many as you need to keep it clean. Most people won't be offended if you don't see their latest accomplishment in Frontierville. Most of them just post to their wall so you'll give them an energy boost or part they need anyway.

Facebook Info Site Launched

This is the first of many posts. I will update this as often as I can with little how-to articles about Facebook. The goal here is to serve as an information resource for Facebook fans with problems.  It has always been overrun with nonsense. We'll learn how to control what we have to see on our feeds, and how to cut down on the spam. Learn about applications and the ones you should avoid. Etiquette will be discussed from time to time, as well as articles to teach you about various concepts related to the social network.

Facebook can still be an enjoyable experience, although at times it seems people have had enough. Annoying apps, poke wars, whiny people. All of these issues can be resolved to reduce your frustration. Take command of your experience by getting versed in combating annoyances.

I'll even talk about Facebook's basic features, so that you might learn something you didn't know before. There are lots of little time savers you could employ so that you can get more done in a short amount of time. While information about Facebook is scattered liberally around the web. I'd like to collect information here to give people a place to stop when they have a question about the network.

It goes without saying, but I'm not a Facebook employee or connected to their site in any way. I'm just a user like you who likes to show people the ropes.